Bone broths are an easy way to integrate deep core nourishment into one’s diet. Purchase organic beef bones or use a chicken carcass (I get knuckle or marrow bones) from a local butcher or at the grocery store. You may have to ask the folks at the butcher section if they have any.
I suggest roasting them in the oven until browned for added flavor to the broth. Simply add them to the crock pot with 12 cups of water and bring to a boil then let simmer 12 hours. Strain out the bones and you’re left with a thick gelatinous broth. Add to soups or simply sip by the cup. I like to add a spoonful of miso for flavor and probiotics. At the end, add culinary herbs like rosemary, thyme or sage. Cover and let them steep for 20 minutes to not loose the benefits of the aromatic herbs.

Fu Zheng Therapy is a form of traditional Chinese herbalism that means, “to restore normalcy and balance to the body.” It does not specifically treat an infection or disease but helps rebuild the body’s resistance and innate strength so that it may more effectively contend with the manifestations of the disease. The following formula is based on herbs traditionally used in Fu Zheng Therapy.
-Bonnie Bloom, herbalist of Blue Crown Botanicals, http://www.bluecrowbotanicals.com
Fu Zheng Soup Recipe
From Kate Gilday and David Winston:
Cook with good quality bones for 3 days in a crock pot or on a wood stove with 12 C water. 2 TBL Apple Cider Vinegar will help pull out the minerals and calcium from the bones.
Add: 3 oz. Reishi, 2oz., Atractyoldes, 2 oz., Burdock, 1.5 oz, Astragalus, 1.5oz., Codonopsis, 1 oz. Shiitake, 1 oz. Turkey Tail Mushrooms
At the end you can stain out the herbs and add vegetables and seasoning for a food type soup or as is. Cooled it can be stored in ice cube trays and popped out and warmed for a daily dose as needed. This is powerful stuff!
Wei Qi Soup – (strengthens the outer protective shield)
Fill a pot 2/3 full of water or bone broth
Add Astragalus 5-7 sticks, Reishi 1 medium Mushroom, any other mushrooms
Summer 20 minutes then add:
Organic barley
Greens, carrots, or other roots
Potatoes (optional)
Nettles or other wild greens in season
Garlic and onions
Simmer until vegetables are tender and add miso and ginger if desired.
During illness when solid food is undesirable drink 3-4 cups per day of broth.
For degenerative immune conditions eat 1-2 small bowls daily and drink broth as desired.
For autoimmune conditions eat soup when desired or drink broth
Use occasionally 1-2 times per week for general tonification and to increase your bottom line and your stamina in a generally healthy personal or someone who works hard physically.
Also great to add are: chicken feet, neck, & spines. Be sure to add a TBL of vinegar to the broth as it cooks to extract the calcium and breakdown the marrow from the bones.
For loads of recipes & tips, check out: “Fearless Broths and Soups,” by Craig Fear, http://fearlesseating.net